Friday, July 11, 2008

Waking up to the voice of excitement!

Yesterday, around 8:20 am, the phone rang and mom answered and was waking me up to tell me that Jhaneth was on the phone... and literally I had excitement rushing through my body as I was preparing to just receive the phone call. Aahhhh!!!! a phone call from Mexico!!!! how exciting!!
So I answer the phone and Jhaneth, who was very enthusiastic and very WIDE AWAKE, unlike myself, said hi and was asking how I was feeling and telling me that they have been praying for me and my health... (so sweet, they were checking up on me!!) she was telling me that everyone was doing well and that they were at the Remanente church, which is where VBS is taking place. Of course in Mexico their time is two hours ahead and they were 10 minutes away from having kids storming in to start off the day at VBS. I was able to speak with Henry who was preparing to teach the lesson to the kids and he expressed how thankful he was to have that opportunity and also was so amazed at the details of the planning of VBS, with the lessons, the memory verses, the themes of the lessons, the visuals (which we are ever so endebted to the selfless generosity of my dear friend Kat Turcios. She donated her entire set of Betty Lukens' Bible visuals in felt to our team!! May our Lord bless you dear Kat!!). Henry said how it was all a blessing to him, the team and the children there...
I also got to speak with Carlos briefly as he was telling me that they were doing great and that everything was going well. And then had to run off because there were kids coming in!! That was a blessing!! to wake up to the voices of excitement of some of the team members in Mexico. I urge you all to continue fervently and unceasingly in your prayers.. I shall be posting momentarily (like in 4 hours or so) what the team has been teaching at VBS this week... thank you and keep visiting Katie's blog at: http:/ for more detailed updates.. God bless you all!!

posted by yours truly,

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